It feels just like yesterday when I wrote the application to join Kilimanjaro challenge after having almost applied once earlier already. It is though 1,5 …
Training W50 – More Christmas hassle but tying to keep training on
It’s been a while since my last post about something else than weekly training. Moving house caused a total chaos for our household that has …
In my head – How Team Ubuntu formed
Arrival It was exciting to arrive to Manchester with only photos of people and their voices to look for at the airport arrivals hall. I …
What challenge, why Kilimanjaro and why me?
In short this is my company’s challenge to raise money for Unicef UK through teams of employees climbing to Kilimanjaro. There are three different groups; …
Getting the gear together – Testing results after Lapland/Norway trip
Our summer holiday trip was intended to be also a sort of testing trip for the gear. Wanted to test the equipment and of course …