Training – W2/2020 Baby steps and getting things together

So another week passed by of this year and my arm has started to feel a lot better already. What I did learn is that inflammatory drugs are not my things and I should stick to just Panadol!

Of course it was good that I took them when the pain was at the worst but few days more around 4-5 days and I started getting ticking sound in my ears, had loss of hearing in one ear, my blood pressure sky rocketed every now and then and felt generally unwell. Luckily the arm was already better so there was no need for them anyway anymore and could stop taking them, but it was a bit scary feeling I must admit. Luckily the weird feelings subsided in a few days and in a week I was almost back to normal.

Back to normal means of course exercise. Thought I would not go for a run yet, but would make a nice slow pace hike in the close by National Park. Hiked up down 8,1 kilometers there with a short snack break. It was a really nice start in getting my body used to a bit more exercise after the break.

Once the game was open it was time to get back to running and gym. Started off with running and “not being able to run for a few weeks” energy boost. I ran 10 kilometers in windy pouring sleet and did my best 10 k time so far, 1 hour and 8 minutes. I should probably go running in bad weather more often! It felt so good and my arm did not hurt too much.

Also did another short run 6,7 kilometers, but no gym yet as I decided that I should probably go and get a massage few times because the muscles in my shoulders and upper back are still hard as a rock. Right arm was also hurting a bit and desk work just seems to makes it worse so booked a time. After the massage I will go to the gym. That is a promise!

Other than training I have started to gather the last pieces needed for the trip together like a duffel bag and a sleeping bag that I was still missing. I feel like I got it all now and will do a post of my kit later when I “test pack” it.


  • Hiking 8,1 kilometers
  • Running 16,7 kilometers

Training plan

No plan currently other than doing as much uphill training as I can on the “stair climber” at the gym and just general hiking once a week in the forest. Apart from that just doing what I feel good with and trying not to get hurt, injured or sick

Still missing a few hundred Euros from my fundraising target to Unicef UK so please help me achieve it <3


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