Training – W7/2020 Trekking, trekking and trekking

The amount of trekking we did was admirable and not just in kilometers but in altitude. I was surprised how much more calories you consume going uphill than what you would on flat ground. Probably altitude gain has something to do with it also as at least my heart rate started to increase the higher we went.

In general we left from higher than I have ever been without a lift. I have been once in 2500 with a ski lift in Chamonix, France and once with a gondola at 3800 meters in the very same place for about half an hour. So this was all new to me and it was interesting to see how the altitude would affect my body.

From exercise perspective not sure to what category to put all these. My heart rate was around average 100-130 all the time (my max is 199) so definitely nowhere near “hard exercise” and PTE around 1 to 2. Still I felt tired and definitely did not feel like going faster so assume that my body was not coping too well with the lack of oxygen.

Then again, what do I know. As I said this was my first time moving anywhere in such a high altitude!!

Anyway below a bit of recap from week 6 in figures.

To first camp (Simba) 3rd day

  • 4,59 kilometers
  • From 2300 meters to 2639 meters, ascent 304 meters
  • Speed 2km/h

To second camp (Second cave) 4th day

  • 6,12 kilometers
  • From 2645 meters to 3494 meters, ascent 746 meters
  • Speed 1,5 km/h
Acclimatization walk around 4pm
  • 1,06 kilometers
  • From 3500 meters to 3580 meters
  • Speed 1km/h

To third camp (Third cave) 5th day

  • 3,73 kilometers
  • From, 3482 to 3948 meters, ascent 380 meters
  • Speed 1,3 kilometers
Acclimatization walk
  • 1,77 kilometers
  • From 3955 meters to 4112 meters
  • Speed 1,7km/h


  • 17 kilometers
  • 11 hours
  • Calories 4131 kcal
  • From 2301 meters to 4112, ascent 1811 meters (What? Really did I do that?)

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