If you read My weight loss journey part I and part II you know the history and how I got to where I am now …
Training W52 – Activity full week with a painful end
Last week was full of training with whopping 9 activities and 7 hours of training in total. No wonder my arm disagreed and I ended …
Training W51 – Year ending and Kili preparations
End of the year is approaching fast and I’ve been able to train fairly well lately. I am trying to go to the gym twice …
Training W50 – More Christmas hassle but tying to keep training on
It’s been a while since my last post about something else than weekly training. Moving house caused a total chaos for our household that has …
Training W49 – Getting stronger and wet weather
Pre-Christmas stuff has hit also and it’s been fairly busy both at work and off work. Our choir Gospel Helsinki has had quite a few …
Training W48 – New activities, winter is here
Finally temperature dropped below zero and we got a bit of frost and snow. You might think we are crazy being happy about snow and …
Training W47 – New neighborhood and new house
I cannot believe how quickly the past two weeks have gone! It seems just like yesterday when we accepted the offer of our house and …
Training W46 – Gym training in the form of moving house
Week 46 was the official “house moving week”. We got the keys on Monday so started carrying stuff little by little during the week. I …
Training W45 – Juggling it all while moving house
As I predicted it is not going to get any easier until all stuff is moved and the old house given to new owners. Hassle …
Training W44 – HB up, otherwise not much to report on
One of the laziest week for a while. We were busy making deal on our house and on the new one so I’ve been running …