Training W49 – Getting stronger and wet weather

Pre-Christmas stuff has hit also and it’s been fairly busy both at work and off work. Our choir Gospel Helsinki has had quite a few concerts and happenings during December for example performance on the national television Yle for Finnish Independence day reception after party which is a big thing around here about 2,5 million viewers (remember there is only 5,5 million of us the whole entire country). You should be able to watch it if in Finland, not sure if you can watch it abroad. Here the link anyway.

I have been doing clearly more weight training last week. I suppose there is a bit of novelty in the gym being so close and weather turning more wet and dark. Then again HIIT training has been a regular thing and have been able to increase my average speed to 9,4 km outside and 9,9 on treadmill.

All in all good but busy week and with Christmas approaching assuming it will get only busier until the holidays!



  • Two gym training, 35 min. Both concentrating on core and upper body with lots of chin-up training. Aiming to do two in a row now as one is pretty easy.
  • Two runs. One 6,6 kilometers and one 4,7 kilometers (best average speed 9,4 km/h)
  • Treadmill HIIT training 3 kilometers (average speed 9,9 km/h)
  • Strair climber 25 stories up about 5 min 30 sec

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